Brevity of Life

Brevity of Life

At the end of last year, a dear friend gave me a devotional book written by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, called Prized. It is a 30-day devotional that helps the reader experience the tender love of the Savior. Each day focuses on one word of tender love. Words like treasured, beloved and nourished.

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Two of the most profound days to me were Day 15: Marked and Day 25: Planted. Day 15 tells of the amazing wonder that Christ Himself was marked for us. Jennifer says, “I have been fascinated for years that Jesus retained His crucifixion scars in His heavenly resurrection body.” On Day 25, Jennifer shares that He has deliberately planted His followers in a well-watered garden even in the midst of sun-scorched earth. She tells of a landscape project in her yard and says, “I’m told it will root and flower and will be lush and beautiful soon.”

The words and the images Jennifer created are profound in themselves but what makes these profound for me is that Jennifer suffered a heart attack on June 12, 2019, and passed away…three months before the release of Prized. So, as I read her words, I cannot think of her and what she is experiencing now. She is able to touch the crucifixion scars that have fascinated her for years. She is seeing Jesus and His resurrected body face to face.

And what about that landscape project? Did she ever see it take root and flower? Did she ever see it lush? The flowers would be beautiful soon, but was it soon enough for Jennifer to see it this side of heaven?

Friends, life is short. Our time on this earth is just a vapor the book of James tells us. We are here and then we are gone. We have started a new decade – the start of the 3rd decade of the 21st century. Who remembers (like it was yesterday) the fear of Y2K?

You may never write a book or scale Mt. Everest or run for political office but you will leave a legacy. You will leave an impact on your corner of the world. What are your children going to say about you when you are gone? What about your spouse? Your friends?  Are they going to say what is in your heart? What are your intentions? Will they know how you feel about them?

Start working today on making sure that your eulogy is what your heart longs to hear. Choose joy. Love deeply. Live well. Trust me, you will not regret it if you do.

Perspective is Everything

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It is all about perspective. Perspective according to the online dictionary is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. It is how we look at something. For some exercise is awful while others see it as wonderful.

What is the difference? Perspective. It is all about the attitude of the exerciser. If you always look at the negative, too early in the morning, makes me sweat, hurts my body, soreness the next day, of course it is going to be awful.

But if you look at exercise as improving my heart, enabling me to play on the floor with my grandchildren, allowing me to serve God longer, exercise becomes, if not a blessing, at least a benefit to your life.

What about your perspective of God?

Do you see Him as a harsh task master? Someone demanding you sacrifice? A God who wants to take away all your fun? Or do you see Him as gracious and kind and loving? Someone who wants to keep you from trouble and regret? A God who desires your good?

It is all about perspective. If you see God as a task master, the commands He gives you will be burdensome. A heavy weight you have to drag around. What He asks of you becomes a sacrifice in which there is no return on investment.

Yet the Bible in I John 5:3 says “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” All that He commands of you is for your good. All that He asks you to do are things that will make you a better person, more Christ like and provide joy.

So, if what the Lord is asking you to do seems too heavy, ask yourself two questions:

#1: Do I love God? You see when you love someone you are willing to do anything for them. Change a stinky diaper. Work long hours to provide. Drive 3 hours for a 15 minutes cross country race. Tell them the truth even if it hurts a bit. Love covers the burdensomeness of the task.

#2 Am I trying to do this in my own strength? For many, this is the real problem. Instead of accessing the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you, you are trying to do it all in your own strength. And to quote Dr. Phil, “How is that working for you?” Of course, it is hard, burdensome, miserable. You were not designed to do it on your own. God desires for you to lean on Him so what He asks of you is only possible through Him. Remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

What is your perspective concerning what God is asking you to do mentally? Relationally? Physically? Spiritually? Love God and do it in the strength of the Holy Spirit who dwells inside of you and He will be glorified and you will be transformed.

No Negative Nellies Around Here

No Negative Nellies Around Here

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who are negative. Recently, I was working the registration table at my church for our annual women’s conference and a lovely lady came up and said she wanted to sign up. “Great! Let’s complete this form and you will be good to go.”


When she got to the line about email, she said, “Oh, I don’t have an email – it is just a complete waste of time.” OK, I thought we can communicate via phone if need be. “And I don’t have text or many minutes on my phone so I don’t want to give you my phone number.” Alrighty then…all we need is shirt size. “Medium is my size…last year I ordered a medium and got a large and it is impossible for me to wear.” At this point, I knew there was no way I was going to make her happy. Nothing could go right so I took her check…gave her a big smile and made a mental note to be sure to personally hand her a medium t-shirt.

As she walked away I thought what has happened to her? What meanness or bullying or abuse has happened in her life to cause her to be so negative? Now, I know that just because bad things have happened to someone doesn’t mean they have to be negative – they can choose to not be a victim but be victorious in the situation. However, I have to believe that she was not born this way. I can’t imagine her walking into kindergarten and start complaining about the desk and whining about the softness of the pillow during nap time.

What is so sad about this is she probably has no idea what damage her negativity is causing in her life. What relationships have been lost as a result? What experiences has she missed out on because no one wanted her around? What joy is she missing because she always sees the glass half empty, if not completely, empty? And so often our attitudes become self-fulfilling. “I told you that no one really cares for me.” “Once again, I am alone on this holiday.” “Didn’t I say they have the worst service at this restaurant.”

At the end, I cannot help her but I can ask myself about my own attitude. Am I bringing hope and joy and life to situations or am I being Debbie Downer? Am I a person that people want around because my honesty is refreshing and not cutting? My protectiveness is a comfort and not a burden?

Are you willing to ask yourself the same question? Your tendencies may not be the same as mine but we all bring something to the table. Is it a sweet aroma or is it a stench?

Maintaining Focus

Recently I heard someone say, “It is death by distraction.” I also read this quote:

If we fill our lives with fragments of information, our brains will adapt and our concentration will weaken. ~Crossway Books Instagram Post (1/5/2020)

Both of these quotes got me thinking about focus and how hard it is to achieve it. What I mean by focus is doing one thing for an extended period of time. For example, reading a book for 30 minutes or working on project for 2 hours or not checking emails for 3 hours. Putting your head down to the task and not looking up until it is done. Putting the blinders on and looking at the end goal and keep moving until you reach it. (Even just now I started to send a “quick” text to someone to tell them I prayed for her father this morning.)

But in our information saturated world today, to maintain focus we have to be intentional. In the past, it was easier. Not too long ago, you could escape distractions easily. If someone wanted to communicate with you there were only a few options. For example, they could call you on the phone – but you could not be near your phone or even unplug it from the wall.  Today, we are practically attached to our phones and not only is there a way to call but you can also text, email or message via multiple social media platforms.

Some believe that this is a wonderful advancement for society and I agree but only to a certain extent. The verse that comes to my mind immediately is from Psalm 46…Be still and know that I am God. God is telling us in this verse, “If you want to know Me, you must be still.” Be quiet. Be settled. Be focused. Personally, when I am too distracted, not focused and ever in motion, I am moving away from knowing God better and not acting as Christ like. And before long all those around me notice it as well.

There are three things you can do to minimize distractions and help maintain focus:

1.     Turn off all notifications on your phone except phone calls and maybe text messages. The constant dings and flashes even for a moment turn us off of what we are doing and breaks our concentration.

2.     Check emails on a schedule and not all day long. My goal is just to check emails for 30 minutes at 9 am, Noon  and 5 pm. I have an auto reply that explains that and if someone needs an answer sooner, I ask them to call me.

3.     Start training yourself to be still. The way I do this is on a regular basis I will make myself sit still for 5 minutes. No moving of my body in any way. No leg shaking. No finger strumming. I even try to not move my head much. The only movement is to relax each muscle of my body. To consciously go from my toes to my head and release any tension I might feel. At times, that can be a LONG 5 minutes.

Do you struggle in this area as well? What tricks to you do to help yourself stay focused?

Greatest Joy

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When I awoke that Sunday morning, I had no idea what gracious gift God was going to give me that day. How at the end of the day I would crawl into bed with a joy in my heart beyond all I could imagine. And it started just like any other Sunday.

I am blessed to have attended a church for over 25 years with just a few breaks in between. But even in those breaks rarely 90 days passed before I was worshipping with this faith family again. With that much history, going to church for me, is like a family reunion. Lots of “good mornings?”… “how ya doings?” … and with my nephews playing on the undefeated local high school football team a lot of “how ‘bout those Falcons?” (Side note: my church is not just in the same district as the high school but the church’s name is in the school’s address and for many years I taught Sunday school in that high school while my church was building out a new worship center.) I am in 100% agreement with David from Psalm 122 when he said, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD!’”

As I settled into my seat, I looked around and there were my football playing nephews just in front of me. What in the world? They do not attend this local church. “Hey, Aunt Beck! We came to see one of our fellow football players get baptized.” And they had brought another player with them. My heart swelled just a bit. Then, walking down the aisle were my niece and her three brothers. They also attend another church but wanted to come to this church today. And they settled in not too far from me. My heart grew a bit more.

Church started and the worship music began and I looked down and across from me and there were six precious souls that call me Aunt Beck and whom I have prayed for them for years…many since before conception. There they were singing praises to the most high God, opening their Bibles, taking notes, participating in prayer. They were engaged. My heart blew up!

Immediately the verse that came to mind was 3 John 4: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. It was truly a wonderful gift, from a great God who cares for His children, to not just hear but to see them walking in the truth. I know that these kids are not perfect and one may have nodded off a bit during the sermon but they are mine and I love them so. I am eternally grateful to be able to be a part of their lives and hopefully influence them in just a small way.

What is your greatest joy? What gracious gift has God given to you?

What are You Reading? And How are You Reading?

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Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and has been all of my life. One of my best memories from growing up is actually getting a library card. My escape as a kid was to leave my house and cross the street to a vacant lot with a book under my arm. I would scale a tree (it felt like I was 100’ in the air but it was probably more like 10’), settle in a branch and read. Life was good!

Once I became a Christ follower, reading the Word was my escape. However, in recent years my overachiever has come out and I am not really savoring the Word but just reading it in a year. I was rushing and not really slowing down to enjoy or even learn more about the God I was reading about.

 So, my 2020 Bible reading plan is not the entire year or even just the New Testament but my plan is to read only the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles. But not just read them but think through them. To help me do that I am using the ESV Scripture Journals that I received as a Christmas gift. As I am reading, I am journaling about what I just read and not after reading a verse or two or even a verse. But, in some cases, one word or one phrase stops me to process, to think, to ask. I really started in December and did the book of James – it took me four weeks spending 10 minutes or so a day at it.

 On January 8th, I started the Acts of the Apostles and I made it through two verses:


Here is what I journaled:

1. The books of the Bible are all related. It is one BIG story and each of the 66 books represents a different facet of God, a different story of His works; one needs to know that Luke wrote this as well as the Gospel of Luke 2. Who is Theophilus? The name means friend of God. No one knows exactly who he was but isn’t that just like our God – the letter went to a specific individual but if you are a “friend of God” this letter applies to you as well 3. Luke’s first book dealt with Jesus – all He did and taught – do I remember enough about what Jesus has done in my life? Can I write a testimony beyond salvation of the great things that God has done? 4. Jesus is seated in glory – the tomb is empty and He has been taken away 5. He has left instructions for His people to accomplish 6. The Holy Spirit is now the ”vehicle” which we will know/see/understand the things of God – He will not contradict the scriptures but will guide us if we want to fulfill them 7. Jesus selected His disciples – even Judas – and by selecting them that means He did not select others.

I might not get through all of the Acts and the epistles by the end of the year (at this rate, I might not even get through Acts) and I am just fine with that. The richness of the Word is like a great steak…savor each morsel and don’t rush onto the dessert.

Do you have a Bible reading plan? If not, here is my favorite one if you are just starting out.

Set Free


As I was leaving the gym, an old Selah song shuffled through my playlist called I Bless Your Name. This song tells the story from Acts 16 when Paul and Silas were imprisoned because of their faith. Instead of pouting, complaining or even sleeping, at the midnight hour they were praising the Lord.

As the lyrics floated through my car speakers, I, immediately, had a flashback to exactly where I was when I first heard that song. The location was Trinity Christian Center in Lakeland, FL, the singer was the husband of a dear friend and she was on the piano. When Philip sang the 2nd verse, I lost it!

Some midnight hour if you should find

You're in a prison in your mind

Reach out and praise, defy those chains

And they will fall in Jesus' name

Today, I can’t recall what issue took me to that prison in my mind but regardless I was in a prison. It was a daily struggle to get out of bed and face the day. Each morning, I would need to spend hours in the Word and then go on long walks in the Florida heat just to get a word from the Lord to get through the day.

On my walks, I had a playlist that was called Deliverance that was comprised of praise songs and the spoken Word. I Bless Your Name went to the top of that playlist. With the volume maxed out and the earphones in, I would sing with hands raised praising the Lord in straight out defiance of the chains.

The good news…I am no longer in prison. I can’t tell you my release date or when the chains fell off but I have walked through those prison gates. I am set free because of Jesus’ name.

What about you? Are you in a prison in your mind? Do you need to reach out and praise? Do you need to defy those chains?

Deep Waters

Yesterday morning I read some tragic news. World renowned economist, Alan Krueger, committed suicide in his home. He was only 58 years old. I immediately sent a text to some friends and said, “I have been there and thought it was the only solution but as soon as I reached out my friends rallied....did he not reach out? Did he not have friends? Did they not rally? Tell your friends that they can reach out to you. We will rally!”

What my friends did for me was provide wise counsel that could help draw out the purposes of my heart. My counsel could probe and poke until the point of frustration but in the end I was so glad she did. She knew when to push towards the edge and when to pull me towards her in a hug. She was a woman of understanding. 

 There are people out there like that who can minister, encourage and ministered to you in all areas of your life. But the first step is you reaching out.
