Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

Even though I have not stepped onto a plane in almost 7 weeks (a record for me since 2010), I could almost give you the word for word announcement of the flight attendant as we taxi away from the gate. 

Post on 2020.04.20.jpg

You know…tray tables up, seat beats buckled, seats in the upright and locked position, etc. But the announcement the crew gives extra special attention to is that all passengers are to put their oxygen mask on first before assisting others. 

This announcement is so important, the crew actually walks the aisles and communicates this again to all who have a child with them. Anytime I have had an unaccompanied minor beside me, the flight attendant even reminds me to do it.

Why do they emphasize this so much?

Because if a passenger is not receiving the life sustaining resource of oxygen, then she is unable to help the others around her. It is not a selfish act to secure her mask but rather one that allows her to serve even longer.

As we continue the series, Because It Matters, I want to share how we can apply this advice outside the cabin of an airplane. In this world, there is really not much we can control despite our most valiant efforts.

We can’t control the weather we can only murmur about it.

We can’t control traffic we can only avoid it.

We can’t control our adult children we can only pray for them.

We can’t control a virus we can only do our part to avoid it. 

Yet, there is something or rather someone we have complete and absolute control over – ourselves. I can control myself…you can control yourself. And when we take control of our ourselves it is putting our oxygen mask on.

This week, you will look at your holistic self– your physical self, your emotional self, your mental self and your spiritual self. How are you doing in those areas?

Physically – are you getting enough exercise? Eating nutritious meals in appropriate portions? Are you sleeping enough?

Emotionally – for the most part, do you have joy? Motivated? Content?

Mentally – how are your thoughts? Are they uplifting or downers? Are you reading? Are you engaging your mind? 

Spiritually – are you spending time in prayer and meditation? Are you walking closer to God? Are you exhibiting Christ like characteristics?

Rate yourself in each of these areas and then make a plan to improve your lowest rating. Don’t try to bite off too much. Focus on just that area for 90 days. Then on day 91 continue the plan of improvement with the first area and begin working on the second lowest area. Remember, how do we eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

To help you with this exercise you can download this worksheet.  By making sure you are the best you can be, you will be able to serve those around you better. Keep those oxygen masks on!

Also, to help you even more, I am going to do a short 4-part experts’ series on the holistic self beginning tomorrow. Here are the experts that I will be interviewing:

Physical: Vicki Heath

Emotional: Georgia Shaffer

Mental: Barbara Wilson

Spiritual: Carol Kent

Be on the look out for these in your inbox, on my Facebook page as well as on my blog.
As always, if there is any way I can help you, please just let me know