Living in the Moment

The air is warm as the city electricity was just cut off and the generator has not kicked in yet.  In some ways, this is my favorite time of the day because there is no humming. You know – the humming that comes from all the electrical equipment running.  The hum of the AC.  The buzzing of the refrigerator.  The whirling of the computer hard drive.  The running of the pool pump.  They have all been silenced with the flip of a switch.  It is amazing to realize such peace in the middle of a war zone. Eventually the silence is broken as overhead a helicopter flies by as another dignitary is being taxied into the safe area.  (It is cheaper to hire a helicopter than a personal security detail.) The haunting sounds of the noon call for prayer are beginning to wander into my room.  The guard has gone and switched on the generator and all is humming again.

However, the wonderful thing is that the Peace remains as I continue to be still before Him.  I am so grateful for the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in my life as it was not too many years (maybe even months) back that I would have panicked, literally, with the thought of having to spend so much time alone.  So much time not being entertained by the television or not hanging out with friends or not having a long list of to-dos done or not being able to go to a gym and work out.

You see, I am writing this while in the Middle East teaching English at a language institute.  Because of some peaceful religious activities, there were extensive road closures and the institute shut down for three days.  My cancelled classes and the subsequent three days of NOTHING on the calendar became a blessing rather than a curse.  I do think that He is teaching me to enjoy the moment.  To live in the present.  And I am thoroughly enjoying it!

Who would have thought it would have required a trip to a foreign land to bring about this change?  But some lessons are only learned on field trips.

How about you?  How are you doing being “present?”  How are you doing enjoying the moment?


Where in the World is Becky Today?

It is hard to believe that it has been almost 16 months since I resigned from LifeHouse (read about it here and here) and started out on this new adventure!! As my dear friend, Andrea, says, “Days drag but years fly.” I know this to be true. As you know, upon leaving LifeHouse, I did not have another job and felt strongly that I was to start my own business. A few people looked at me with just a bit of skepticism (or was it pity) that I was starting a business in this current state of the economy. However, I was surrounded by many who cheered me on to do it. My first contract was with The Source for Women and it was the encouragement I needed to believe that KBT Consulting might actually be a viable business.

Just FYI, there was a BIG safety net under me and it was not some “sugar daddy” or a huge inheritance left behind for me. The safety net was that years ago the Lord had called me to live a frugal and debt free life. Because of that, when He asked me to walk away from a regular paycheck there was little fear because my cost of living was so low.

In America today, slavery is still a real issue. Millions of Americans are enslaved to their credit card company (or companies) and the ball and chain around their ankles is consumer debt. “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7 (NKJV) Nine out of ten Americans claim that credit card debt has never been a source of worry but 47% would refuse to tell a friend how much they owe.

Please listen, my friends, there is NOTHING that I denied myself the years it took to get debt free that compares to the FREEDOM (read this with the emphasis of William Wallace at the end of Braveheart) I experience today. Please, if you are enslaved to consumer debt, do whatever it takes to become debt free.

I have learned a lot about myself during these past 16 months – I enjoy my quiet time but working out of my home and not going into an office can affect my emotions. Also, when working out of my home, establishing boundaries is so important. All work and no play was not good for me at all.

The Lord has been SO blessed me and has provided all that I have needed. By the middle of last summer, I had enough clients that my revenue covered all of my living expenses. This past April, God really showed off and now the revenue into KBT Consulting exceeds my salary at LifeHouse! I do give Him all the credit because every one of my clients came to me. I did not approach them and the few times I did try and “drum up” some business I never landed the contract!!

As I type this I am actually in the Middle East for six weeks teaching English. This is my second trip here this year. I have also been to Honduras for a week and have spent lots of time in Atlanta as well as Lakeland, Florida with friends and family. All of this could not have happened if I still was working a 9-5 job.

So yes, days drag and years fly and another 16 pages of the calendar will roll off before we know it. Who knows where in the world I will be in August 2012!!  And who knows where in the world you will be then.   But I do know this – the decisions I made 16 months ago have significantly impacted where I am today. May we all make wise decisions as we travel around the sun another 427 times!

Love Me Some Kenmore!

Earlier this year, I had the amazing privilege of traveling to the Middle East!! My time there was really wonderful.  I taught.  I learned.  I experienced.  I encouraged and I was encouraged.  And I ate!!  The scale was not my friend when I got home. The greatest difficulty was being on opposite schedules than the States.  My day was  just ending when life on the East Coast was just beginning.  As my friends and family were crawling into bed for the night, I was finishing up my second or third cup  of coffee and was off to the races.

However, not once did I feel afraid.  Not once was I concerned about my safety.  As I settled into a routine, life was becoming normal, almost. Now don’t get me wrong, this wasn't Kansas if you know what I mean.

For example, the last full day I was in country, I washed a load of clothes and it made me so appreciate my "automatic" washing machine at home!  Here is what it took for me to wash a load of clothes.

  • Wait for the municipal electricity to come back on.  (We were blessed in our neighborhood to be on a 3 hours on/3 hours off rolling blackout.  Many parts of the city only have electricity for an hour or so a day.  Most communities had a shared generator that residents subscribe to use.  Forget about swim and tennis communities, how many amps does your generator produce?)
  • Remove cover and place hose in drain (see photo.)
  • Turn hot and cold water on to the desired temperature and begin filling tub.
  • Turn Cycle dial from Drain to Wash/Rinse. (Forgot to do this and stood there wondering why the tub was not filling.)
  • Turn Wash/Rinse dial to 15 minutes.
  • Turn power on at both switch and outlet. (Also, forgot this and stood there wondering why the tub was not agitating.)
  • Go and fix breakfast but be sure to turn the water off so that the tub does not overflow. (Did do this but remember there is a drain hole in the room so even if I didn’t "no problem!")
  • After 15 minutes, turn Cycle dial from Wash/Rinse to Drain to drain tub.
  • When finished draining, turn Cycle dial back to Wash/Rinse.
  • Turn hot and cold water on to the desired temperature and begin filling tub for the rinse cycle.
  • Turn Wash/Rinse dial to 15 minutes.
  • When completed, turn Cycle dial back to Drain to empty the tub.
  • Wring out each item and place in second tub for the “Turbo Air Dry” cycle.
  • Turn the Spin Dial to 5 minutes.
  • While the clothes are spinning, clean out the lint filter in the agitation tub and wipe down the inside.
  • Remove hose and return cover to keep the rats out. (Ok, that gave me chills just thinking about it!!)
  • Remove clothes and move them on to the drying center (see photo.)
  • Go find the yellow pages and look up Laundry Services!

I almost hugged my washing machine when I arrived back in Texas!  Have you ever returned home from a trip overseas and wanted to hug an appliance?

I Love My Church!!

Let me say it again, I love my church!!  (On a side note, I pray you feel that way about your church as well.)  Many days at my church are amazing but today might have been over the top. Houston’s First Baptist is committed to prayer and has a vibrant and effective prayer ministry.  Today that ministry actively engaged in our latest building campaign, the expansion and remodel of our Preschool and Kindergarten wing, through a special time called Foundation of Prayer.



The Houston's First Family was invited to write the names of children in their lives on the foundation of the Preschool and Kindergarten areas currently being renovated.  In 2008, on the floor of the Worship Center, thousands of names were written when it was being renovated and the prayer team and others have actively prayed for those names and have seen many come to faith.  Now, the church family will have the opportunity to literally "pray over" the names of thousands of children for years to come – asking God to draw their hearts to Him.


As I walked throughout this space, I was overwhelmed by the Spirit of God and felt His presence in a very tangible way.  I spoke with Melinda, my dear friend and Director of the Preschool and Kindergarten ministry, but only for a moment because I wanted to continue to walk with the Spirit throughout the place.  Tears freely flowed as I read names and Bible verses that parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles had written. IMG_0808


As I kneeled in an area off to the side, I swept the dirt away and ask the Lord what I was to write – what I was to believe for – what I desired above all else for the spiritual children in my life.  Here is what He gave me:


Does this seem impossible?  Yes, but my God is the God of the impossible, and I want to quit believing Him for small things and start believing Him for the miraculous.  I believe one day the Lord will call me away from Houston and Houston’s First Baptist Church but what a comfort to know that they will still be ministering to me as they walk over this little spot where I wrote my desire down.  Some of my spiritual children are yet to be born and how wonderful to think that faithful saints will be praying for my kids long after I have left the church.

Did I tell you that I love my church?

What I Learned on My FB Sabbatical

My last Facebook status one week ago was, “Will be taking a bit of a sabbatical from Facebook. See you FB friends when I comeFacebook Logoback. Blessings!”  I picked last Thursday the 12th on purpose because I was going to be away from the computer for a good three days and did not have to white knuckle it through the de-tox!!  You laugh but unfortunately it is true. Immediately after posting the status, I received an email from a friend asking me about it.  Others have stopped me in meetings and said, “Facebook sabbatical.  Are you ok?”  I even received a phone call from a friend checking on me because of my status.

To all inquires, my response was the banality of Facebook.  Banality is a word I learned from John Piper as he explained why he did not have a TV in his home when his boys were growing up and I thought it applied to me with Facebook.  The Oxford Dictionary used synonyms for banality such as triteness, unimaginativeness, lack of originality and my favorite, prosaicness.

There are lots of things I like about Facebook but for me it had become some such a time waster.  And I was wasting time over such trite things as someone complaining about the traffic or how long the carpool line was.  Instead of checking status updates, why not patiently wait at the light or riding the elevator down to the first floor?  If I was at dinner alone, why not be still and relax instead of reading about someone else’s dinner?   My mind is already on overdrive, why was I making it even crazier filling it with trivia?

So, does this mean I will never be on Facebook again and I am closing down my account?  Not at all.  But I am being mindful of the time I spend on it and I will try and capture those moments of stillness so that I can know God even better.   (Psalm 46:10)

Mistakes that Lead to Learning

The July 2, 2010 USA Today headline read, “After seeking help, Cabrera sees his life swing in positive direction” and below the story was told of how Major League Baseball player Miguel Cabrera life had changed.  Nine months earlier, Cabrera had been jailed after a night of heavy drinking and when he was released sought help for his addiction.  In the article he says, “I learned so much from my mistakes.”Oops Sign As I read this article, I realized that his comments were true in my life as well.  I did not have a drinking problem but I learned the same way Miguel did…through my own mistakes, I learned the best.  The failures, the struggles, the crashes taught me what NOT to do.

I was at least 40 years old before I discovered that I did not have to touch the hot stove to know that it would burn me.  In my 20’s and deep into my 30’s, wise counselors would tell me to avoid something or to not do something and I would listen but often think, “That doesn’t apply to me or “That consequence won’t happen to me.”  And before I knew it I had burned the fire out of my hand!!  These “burns” were manifested in relational failures, financial struggles and emotional crashes.

But these mistakes got my attention and caused me to change my ways.  They also caused me to not just seek the counsel of others but to actually heed it.  To apply what I was taught to change my life and avoid pitfalls.  Don’t get me wrong, I still make LOTS of mistakes but the consequences are not nearly as grave.  I have learned to quickly adjust when I feel the heat – heat that comes mostly through consequences and the Word of God.

What about you?  Do you have the same learning style as Miguel and I?  What are some of the lessons you have learned through your mistakes?

How TMPW Impacted My Life - Part 4

As I shared in my earlier blogs, TMPW has impacted my life in profound ways but the last way I want to share is really the coolest way. As an Activator (see earlier blog), dreaming is challenging to me because I don't daydream, I just do it as soon as I think it.Writing However, TMPW forced me to get in that settled place and make a list of dreams.  What is so amazing about making a list is that things on the list just start to happen.  I believe there are two reasons for this...the power of the mind and the awesomeness of God.  When we write things down, our mind begins working on it - even if it is subconscious.  I also believe that when God sees us write it down He believes us and begins making things happen to accomplish it.  He wants to give us the desires of our heart when we are fixed on Him. Through the exercise I also began dreaming beyond myself.  Because of my self-reliance and independence (read "pride" here), I struggle to dream beyond my capabilities.  By using the tools given to me by TMPW I can dream on a whole different level and I so look forward to the amazing things the Dream Master will do in my life in the next 12 months, 3 years, decade.

Come start discovering your dreams!  First meeting is this week!!  Please contact me to let me know if you would like to come or have any further questions.

How TMPW Impacted My Life - Part 3

Earlier I shared of two ways in which the TMPW impacted my life – living intentionally and the process of change.  Today I want to share a fantastic blessing of being a part of TMPW – the books we received.  As an avid reader (thanks, mom, for instilling that in me), this component was especially meaningful. Of all the 30+ books we receive, by far, the one book that had the greatest influence on me wstack_of_books2as Strengths Finder 2.0. It was so impactful that I gave about 30 of these books away as Christmas gifts in 2009. My top strengths were Achiever, Activator, Strategic, Communication and Discipline.  They all fit me to a tee and others agreed.  It was so influential because it gave me clarity on the skills that the Lord had created in me.  I was better able to understand myself and why I make a to-do list on vacation and why I can be impatient at inactivity.  I cannot use these as excuses to ignore the Spirit of God in me or the Biblical commands He has given us, but they have helped me know exactly what my role is in His Kingdom.

Another area of growth for me has to be the Sabbath.  As an achiever and activator, rest is hard for me.  But as I learned through TMPW as well as reading The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan, if I want to restore my soul then I have to rest.  I also learned that Sabbath does not mean that I am sitting around doing nothing.  I might be taking a lesson at the Apple store or getting a massage.  I actually signed up as a monthly member of Massage Envy to "force" myself to rest.  Now, I am not perfect in this area by any means but by practicing a regular Sabbath these past three years, I know that resting in Him during a significant transition in my life in the Spring of 2010 was possible.

Would so love to have you join me on July 1st for the introductory meeting!  Please contact me to let me know if you would like to come or have any further questions.

How TMPW Impacted My Life - Part 2

In my earlier post, I began sharing how TMPWChanges Exit Signhas significantly impacted my life.  Today I want to share another teaching that I think about on almost a daily basis, The process of change. Here are the four steps:

Step 1:  Unconscious incompetence.

Step 2:  Conscious incompetence.

Step 3:  Conscious competence.

Step 4:  Unconscious competence.

It made such sense to me and I began asking myself how do I move – and how do others move – from Step 2 to Step 3? Often, I would  know that I was failing in an area but I would not take the initiative to get better.  Unfortunately, the only thing that moves me – and I believe most people – is pain.  When the pain gets greater than the ignorance, we are willing to move.  So when pain comes in my life, whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – the first question I ask myself is “Is there an area in my life where I am ignoring what I know to be true?”  The longer I wait before making the change the greater the pain.  This was big motivation to make changes in my life.

It has become a goal of mine to change before the pain gets too great.  When I recognize or am told of an area that I need to work on, I try to go ahead and jump on it so that the pain does not have to increase.  It has also allows me to free others that may be doing things, as I see it, wrong.  When the pain gets great enough in them they will change.  (Of course, I have to remind myself, often, that God is usually NOT calling me to be the source of pain for them.)

Come be a part of the wonderful TMPW experience!  First meeting is just around the corner.  Please contact me to let me know if you would like to come or have any further questions.  Plan on being a part of experiencing The Master’s Program for Women up close and personal.  You might learn how to avoid some pain!

How TMPW Impacted My Life - Part 1

As many of you know from my posts and in my blogs, I am pretty pumped about teaching The Master’s Program for Women (TMPW)!  Why am I so excited about teaching it?  Bowling StrikeI am thrilled because TMPW changed my life and when something that powerful impacts me I not only want to tell others but come alongside and help them experience the impact of living an intentional life.  Which leads right into the very first example of how it changed my life…. In the very first session of the three year course, there is a teaching from Ephesians 5:15, 16 that says, "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (KJV)  The keyword to me is circumspectly - coming from the same root as circumference.  So I began having a 360-degree look at my life.  How was I doing in all the realms of my life (Personal, Influence and Kingdom)?  It really prompted me to live diligently and intentionally.   I am not one to be loosy-goosy but this really pushed me over the edge to be mindful of every moment of every day.

Over the next week or so I will share three more specific examples of the life-changing impact TMPW had on my life.  Please plan on joining me at the next session - it is starting in just a few weeks!!  The introductory meeting will be July 1st from 3 pm – 8 pm at a friend’s home, which is located not far from Beltway 8 and Memorial Drive.  Please contact me to let me know if you would like to come or have any further questions.  Dinner will be served so plan on being a part of experiencing The Master’s Program for Women up close and personal.  You will be blessed!

Faith Walk in Action

“Any leads?”  “Are you staying in Houston?”  “What are you up to these days?”  These questions and others have been the conversation starters of many of my visits with my friends these past 30 or so days.  How blessed I am to have so many who truly care about me as well as what my future holds? As many of you know, I have felt much like Abraham these past few months.  From the Bible, Hebrews 11:8 tells us, “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”  I was definitely called to leave LifeHouse and upon my resignation, was not the least bit certain of where I was to go next.  But, I loved this recent tweet by Suzanne Eller, gave me great comfort “God didn't ask Abraham to leave his country as a sacrifice, but to move him closer to the promise...”

As I shared in an earlier post, God has given me some direction but it still has been one of the strangest faith walks I have ever been on.  What has been so unique about this walk is that instead of being in an “at-ease” position between steps – you know, where you take a step with the left foot and then bring your right foot parallel to your left and stand.  This walk has looked more like this…

Next Step

And since much of this came down during the winter Olympics, apart from the skin tight suit, I have felt a bit like this...

Speed skating start

In the ready.  On my mark.  Awaiting the starter’s gun.  Not wanting to miss the signal but also not wanting to get ahead of the voice of God.

Well, now, after being back from vacation for two weeks, I definitely feel like I am in my stride in this next season of my life.  There is joy in my steps, my yoke is easy and my burden light.  Tomorrow, I will share exactly what I am up!

Why I'm Content in My Singleness #3

In my two earlier posts, I shared reasons for my contentment in my singleness.  The first one I shared was that if I were married my focus is divided and instead of just focusing on pleasing the Lord, my focus is on pleasing my husband.  The second reason is that if I marry I will still have troubles – different than if I were married but still troubles.   The final reason is that if I were married my body would not be my own. Back to I Corinthians 7 again where it says in verses 4 and 5, “The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.  Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”  The issue of sex in a marriage is a huge source of troubles in many marriages.  For many women, life starts happening, schedules get busy, children come along, etc. and their desire for intimacy wanes.  Meanwhile, the level of desire has not decreased in their husband.  So there is conflict sometimes when the husband snuggles up to the wife and desires sex.

However, what the Bible says is that when a husband desires intimacy from his wife, unless she can convince him to pray, she needs to say yes so that Satan does not get any foothold in the marriage.  If I were to marry, my selfish ways would be quickly revealed and I am certain that this would cause conflict especially because I love sleep!!

Why I'm Content in My Singleness #2

In Monday’s post, I that for the most part I am very content in my singleness but there are days were I struggle.  On those days, there are three Truths that I remind myself about that helps me to re-gain perspective. The first one I shared was that if I were married my focus is divided and instead of just focusing on pleasing the Lord, my focus is on pleasing my husband. The second Truth I want to share about today comes from I Corinthians 7:27-28, “Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife.  But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.”  Here is the Truth:  if I get married I will have trouble.  Now, as a single, I will have trouble as well – different trouble – but still trouble.  And not only do I still have troubles but now I have troubles with someone else.

Easy StreetI sometimes think if I get married all of my troubles will be gone.  If I just got married, I would be living on Easy Street and things would be go smoothly.  The hard things in life are because I am single.  But that is such a lie and the Truth is that I will have troubles, difficulties and challenges – not the same kind if I were single but still I would have them.

When I am eating dinner alone and I see a couple enjoying dinner together, I remind myself that if I were married I would have trouble.  When I am traveling by myself and see a husband carry his wife’s bags, I remind myself that if I were married I would have trouble.  When I am struggling to make big decisions, I remind myself that if I were married I would have trouble.  These reminders keep me focused on the fact that marriage is a wonderful thing but being married will not eliminate problems from my life.

On Saturday, I will share the third and final reason for finding my contentment in my singleness!!

Why I'm Content in My Singleness #1

For the most part, about 90% of the time, I am completely content in my singleness.  I truly view singleness as a gift and enjoy it!  However, those 10% times when I am not content, my mind wanders through the reasons why I would love to be married.  I would love to be married because when done right it is just a great example of Christ and His bride, the church.  I would love to be married because of the companionship that it would provide.  I would love to be marriedWorship because decision-making by myself can be so hard. It is at these times that I remind myself of the three Truths that help me gain perspective.  The first truth is that if I am married my focus is divided and instead of just focusing on pleasing the Lord, my focus is on pleasing my husband.  Paul says in I Corinthians 7:32-35, “I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs—how he can please the Lord.  But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife—and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.”

Paul is not saying that it is wrong but that is just the way it is.  Once I marry, if I want to please my Lord, I please my husband because my husband has become my number one ministry.  As a wife, my calling is to be my husband’s helpmeet…his helper…his mission becomes my mission.

This does not mean that I don’t ever do “godly” things.  That doesn’t mean I am not serving the Lord outside the home.  Obviously my relationship with the Lord is still primary but how it is manifested in my life most often is in serving my husband.  But being married will cause distraction in my life.  As a single woman, I am not distracted at all.  I am free to move to Africa and minister or stay in Houston and serve in my church’s women’s ministry.  I can pack my bags and move back to Atlanta, live in a friend’s basement and write my book or I can flip burgers at McDonald’s and write my book in Houston.  I am free to go or stay as the Lord instructs.

This also applies to the day-to-day things as well.  If I want to purchase something, I go and buy it.  I don’t have to check with anyone.  If I want to go away for the weekend, I do not have to look on his calendar to see if we are free.  I can just do it.  Cereal for dinner—fine.  Movie on Saturday afternoon—no problem.

When I get a little restless and desiring to be married, this first truth helps me to get my perspective back on track.  I remember that as a single, my only focus is the Lord and I am not distracted by the concerns of the world.  On Wednesday, I will share the 2nd Truth that helps me to gain perspective.

Favorite Memory 2009

One of the most common comments I hear from people, “You are always going somewhere.”  And it is true.  I am blessed to have friends all over the world with an open invitation to come.  There is Julia in San Salvador, El Salvador who always asks me to come to their lake house.  Or Joan and her wanting me to come to Orlando for some “Becky” time.  There is ice-skating available for most of the year in Karrie’s home in Brandon, Manitoba.  And of course how much I love going to see Vicki and her family on the beach in Edisto Island, South Carolina. But the most special place for me is in Auburn, Georgia with Team Jenkins.  Why so special?  I have my own room.  When Andrea and Bowdie were building their dream home, they talked about Aunt Beck’s bedroom but I thought it would be a guest room and that is where I would stay.  It was to be on the 2nd floor right next to the boys’ room.  Well, I knew it was a bit more when Andrea called and asked me what color I wanted the walls to be.  What a joy to sleep in that yellow room for the first time in the Spring of 2008!

Well, this past September when I came for a visit I was humbled by the love and acceptance Andrea demonstrated to me.  When I told her I was coming she rebuked me a bit since I had not given her much notice (I think it was less than a week) and when I walked into the room I saw what she had been up to.  My room was not only yellow but totally decorated with photos of the boys and I.



There was a bulletin board with notes of why the boys and Andrea and Bowdie love me (I am such a “words” girl.)

Aunt Becky's the best because when I make a train track she says, "Good job." ~Jacob

One thing I love about Aunt Becky is she takes us to Waffle House. ~Jarrett

I love it when Aunt Becky toks me to wofol hous. ~Blaine

We love Aunt Becky because she prays specifically for our boys on a regular basis.  ~Bo & An

Andrea had even set up a desk in my room with my own coffee mug to have my quiet times.



This is one of my favorite memories from 2009! What is one of your favorite memories?

New Season for Becky Begins 1/10/10

iStock_000003898245XSmallIt was a warm, August day in Raleigh, NC as I sat across a mother of two who was once a college coed in the Sunday school class I taught. It is always a joy to be with my former "girls" and watch as the Lord has made them into Godly women. Anyway, she asked me, "Becky, why don't you teach a Sunday school class now?" "Well, Steph, I really think I don't because no one asked." As the Lord would have it, less than 48 hours later, Carolyn O'Neal, women's director at Houston's First Baptist Church calls and asks me if I would pray about teaching a class. Once again, "here's your sign." At first the thought was to start in September but it was just too close so we will launch the new class on 1/10/10 at 8:20 am. I am so excited!!

The new class is for women of all ages and is named Titus 2. In Titus 2, there is a clear call for the older women to teach the younger woman. It is a call that is lived out way more often through modeling than through teaching. The Titus 2 class will illuminate the Word and provide practical ways to live out this biblical mandate. Together we will unite to encounter the Lord in a personal and profound way.

Each day over the next 30 days, I will be posting a new prayer request for the class via twitter (@kbeck) and facebook. Would you please join me in prayer? And if you are ever in Houston on Sunday at 8:20 am, please come by and join us!

I've Heard It said, "The world is going to hell in a hand basket..."

Not too long ago, a friend and I were sitting around bemoaning the state of affairs in our country today and if we said it once we said it 100 times, "The world is going to hell in a hand basket."  Crime is up.  Jobs are down. Retirement accounts are disappearing.  Fidelity in marriage is blase.  Integrity in business is naive.  And the list went on and on!! Then it (I think it was the Holy Spirit) hit me that all that might be true but it is not true at 5800 Lumberdale #37 - my little corner of the world.  It is not true at the two homes in S. Houston called LifeHouse.  Yes, the world is a mess and the list is long that points out the social ills in our land.  But it is not the WHOLE world and if more of us (beginning with me), lived out a different way of life then the world just might change.

What if instead of always looking out for ourselves, we started to defer to others, how different would it be?  What if instead of demanding our rights, we started living up to our responsibilities?  What if instead of spending more on things that will never satisfy, we started giving to those who have nothing?

And to those of us who claim to be Christian - what if instead of bowing to idols, we started destroying those idols?  What if instead of treating the Word of God as a Sunday only thing, we started reading it daily?  What if instead of being self-followers, we started being a Christ follower?  What if instead of trying to find our satisfaction in things that will never remain, we sought satisfaction in eternal things?

What if...?  Oh God, let it begin in me.

Jer. 29:11 is true now as it was in 33 AD!

iStock_000004215230XSmallGod has a plan for me (and for you). This plan is not my plan because His ways are not my ways nor are His thoughts my thoughts. But I do know that the plan will prosper me (especially as my soul prospers) and will not harm me and will give me hope and a future. I believe these things are for today. After coming back after a fantastic time with my Atlanta and Charleston friends, I was a little down one morning when I awoke so I really needed to be reminded of the Truth of Jeremiah 29:11. Here is how He did just that...

As I sought the Lord in December for my yearly focus, He said, "Don't be a fool." Well, if I am not foolish woman than I must be a wise woman (see Proverbs). So some of my goals included studying the Proverbs and doing a comparison of foolishness vs. wisdom. Also, since all of my foolish behavior begins in the mind I committed to a deeper level of scripture memorization and Bible reading.

Now this is where the plan comes in... for Christmas Carole Lewis gave me our church's devotional and as I read the introduction that morning this paragraph jumped out at me. "As you read these wisdom devotionals BTW - the entire devotional is all about gaining wisdom! How cool is that?), remember that the Word of God expresses the mind of God. His thoughts are available to us. Let these devotionals help you dig deeper into His revelation. Let His Spirit change your thinking. Most of all, let your mind be renewed and your life be transformed."

He has a plan for me and He has already provided my daily direction through this devotional!! What He has asked of me is not too difficult (see Deuteronomy 30:11) and He has already made a way. Now, it is just up to me - this living sacrifice - to do the next right step. May I be a wiser woman in the coming months!

My First Blog!

Welcome to my first blog post!!! As I thought about this first one, I went to the source of all information – It was no surprise to me to discover a blog that led you through a four-step process on how to write your first blog. ( How great is that?

Step #1: Tell about who you are Well, I know that with age I am getting a bit more cynical but why would any one read my blog that didn’t already know who I was?!?!? But since I am such a rule follower…

Team Jenkins and Aunt Beck

Above all else, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am not politically correct but pray that I am gracious and kind any way. I set a high bar for myself and those around me. I am loyal to my friends and take great joy in being called Aunt Beck by my southern kids or Aunty Becky by my Canadian kids. I am black and white and because of that will find my foot in my mouth at times.

Step #2: Why are you blogging I really believe that because of the path that the Lord has me on, blogging is the next right thing to do.

Step #3: What will you be blogging about Mostly I will blog about events and situations that may trigger food for thought in your mind – as it did in mine. The topics will range from red-hot political issues to red-hot ball players; from great books to great exercise songs; and from personal musings to personal vents.

Step #4: How can a reader leave feedback I welcome any feedback – positive or negative – especially since I am such a black and white kind of gal. I would also desire that your comments would build community as my friends and family read from individuals that they only know through my photos. I will moderate the comments and respond as appropriate.

I am humbled and amazed that you read this far. Thanks!
